Today was the muchly awaited birthday of Eva Grace. She has every one's birthday order memorized and it is a yearly countdown to her big day! So this past week we made an effort to do at least one thing birthday related every day. Some of the things we did were picking a theme (flip flops), making the invitation list and sending the invitations, making special flip flops for each guest (and saying a little prayer for them as we made them), picked out flip flop plates, napkins and cake. She also got to go on a special shopping trip with Grandma all by herself, take cupcakes to her preschool class last Thursday and wear a birthday ribbon all day. It was a fun week for her and everyone around her because she was contagiously excited!
Here are some highlights from her big day today!
*Every time someone told her Happy Birthday she responded back, "Happy Birthday."
*We got to go to her friend, Sophie's birthday party this morning. Sophie is 2 days younger than Eva Grace. Eva Grace was excited about helping make Sophie's gift and getting a blue polka dotted hairbow that Mrs. Danna made!*Everyone that was invited to her party came.
*She was surprised by the big blow up jumpoline we had at church for everyone to play on (Thanks to Burt! It rained all day yesterday so we were afraid this might fall through but he spent lots of time today making sure it would work out!) *She loved being sang to, she just beamed!
*She loved the balloons at her party. Riding to the party was a lot of fun with the jeep full of 20 balloons, 5 big balls, all the party stuff, a stroller and the Barrett 5. It felt like that clown Volkswagen where the clowns keep coming out....
*She was very excited about each part of the day and each part of her party. She was also very grateful for her presents and happy to see each friend at her party. *She got a full Annie costume from Nanner. Annie is one of her favorite movies. She put the costume on and sang "Tomorrow" for everyone.
*Her friend Jillian got a scraped toe, in efforts to try to help as Jillian's mom was doctoring her up, Eva Grace doctored Jillian's toe with AFTERBITE!!!!!
*She didn't think she turned 4 until after her party was over. *She wanted to eat dinner at Salsas so she could wear that huge sombrero and they could sing to her and bring her dessert!
*Unloading all her new toys was like opening them all over again. She savored each one and talked about who got her each gift. *From Burt and I she wanted a new car seat, a big girl car seat like Emma's! We went to WalMart and Target but they didn't have one she liked. Then we went to Kmart and they had 2 she couldn't decide between, butterflies or flowers, so she used the eeny, meny, meiny, moe ...... method to decide! Then we monogrammed her name on it and she is looking forward to riding in it tomorrow.
*She is currently snuggled up to Emma, not asleep but talking sisterly talk about her special day :)
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Happy Birthday, Eva Grace
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Catch it, Grace!
We told Eva Grace this morning that we were going to go to the ASU Farm's petting zoo today. My brother called and told us there piglets that you could hold. When Eva Grace heard this she was >
excited all day long about getting to hold a baby pig. Well, when we got to that part of the petting zoo she spotted them and off she went. First she had to catch one, which alone was hysterical. The first few times she couldn't figure exactly how to pick one up, then she saw one of the older girls do it and you should have seen the determined look that came on her face, SHE WAS CATCHING A PIG and now she knew how to do it. Sure enough, after several comical tries she caught one. That pig squeeled louder than any of my girls but it didn't stop Eva Grace. She held on to that pig for dear life and was very proud of herself. Burt and I were laughing so hard I was crying!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
What's wrong with that?
This afternoon Eva Grace's best friend, Chloe, came over to play for a little while. The first thing the two of them do when they are here together is strip down to their panties and play dress up. When they are tired of wearing dresses they spend the rest of the time in their undies! This is typical behavior of both of them! I was in the living room when Emma comes running inside and dramatically tells me "EVa Grace and Chloe are in the front yard in their panties!" So, I go outside and tell them they have to come in, the funny part was that they both looked at me and seriously said, "why?" It didn't even cross their minds that they shouldn't be in the front yard necked! This isn't unusual, they usually play in the fenced in back yard in their panties so they don't understand why the front yard is different.
Friday, April 4, 2008
An Eva Grace Story *at the ice cream topping bar
This evening we went out to eat with a bunch of out of town family. John, our cousin from Houston, had taken Eva Grace up to get some ice cream. They had a great variety of toppings at their dessert bar and obviously she couldn't pick just one... SO... at the topping bar she mixed all the sprinkles together then took the dipping spoon and took a big bite!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Oh I Wish....
Eva Grace loves herself a hot dog. It's one of her and Burt's favorite meals! Today we were driving home when she spotted it in the Hay's parking lot??? You got it, the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile!! Eva Grace was so excited to see "a big hot dog car!" She got to go inside it and got a famous Weinermobile whistle that can only be acquired from visiting a famous weinermobile! It made her day and she eagerly called her "posse" to tell them about it. She was so excited most people couldn't understand what she was saying but they could understand "it was awesome and it was sooo cool."
Gymnastic Day
Eva Grace does gymnastics on Tuesday nights. She looks forward to it all week and on gymnastic day she rushes in from school and immediatly changes into her gymnastic clothes. I usually have to make sure she matches with whatever she comes out wearing but today I thought I'd let her go as she wished and this was it. A black leotard, blue skirt, pink leg warmers (both of them inside out), and her hair down (she fixed it by herself too). She was so proud of herself and wanted me to take her picture because she looked "so beautiful!"