Saturday, July 26, 2008

Driving Miss Gracie

Today we went to Hornersville, Missouri because the girls have been wanting to pick some watermelons and cantaloupes. Burt's Grandpa used to let him drive on the old gravel roads when he was little so he thought he would let the girls give it a try. Afterwards, he made the comment that one day Eva Grace is going to cost him a lot of cars!

My girls haven't ridden on many gravel roads so on the way home this conversation took place.

Eva Grace: "Daddy, the dirt is chasing us."

Burt: "I just turned the rockets on, Grace."

Eva Grace: "Well turn them on faster because it is right behind us."


Lori said...

That is too funny!!

Heather said...

she was rockin to the music!!

Haley said...

typical woman driver.... :) playing with the radio, talking! she is too cute!!

The Collins Family said...

What a classic woman driver! Looking everywhere and jammin' to the beat!

Kelly said...

Sounds scary, Amy! Let me know before she hits the streets of J'boro!

Amy R said...

That reminds me of my grandpa letting me ride on his lap and drive while we were driving on the gravel roads..aww growing up in the bootheel. There are things about it I do miss. Grace is so stinkin cute and funny!

Anonymous said...

that is too funny!!! My daughter was standing behind me watching and now SHE wants to drive!!! Thanks Amy! HAHA!!

Theron's Mom said...

I think she'd do fine if she didn't have so many backseat drivers! :)